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3. kompl. eļļas an.,bioeļļai,dz.
dzeltens vāciņš 
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Produkta detaļas uz


dzeltens vāciņš


Papildu pazīme
  • Analīžu izmaksas iekļautas cenā. 
  • 48 stundu laikā pēc saņemšanas laboratorijā visiem eļļu paraugiem tiek veikta eļļas analīze. 
Muitas tarifa numurs
  • 39233010 

Produkta apraksts

An oil analysis examines lubricating oil samples to monitor the condition of machines or vehicles. With the oil analysis set, the oil is precisely analysed in the laboratory, allowing conclusions to be drawn about the condition of the system. The set can also be used for diesel and air compressor oil. Problems detected at an early stage allow preventive maintenance measures to be taken, extending the service life of the machines and reducing operating costs.
Papildu informācija
Scope of investigation:
Wear metals: iron, chromium, tin, aluminum, nickel, copper, lead, molybdenum, manganese, PQ index
Additives: calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, barium, boron, sulphur
Contaminants: silicon, potassium, sodium, lithium
Water in ppm according to the K. Fischer method
Oil condition: viscosity 40 °C + 100 °C, viscosity index, IR index
For bio-hydraulics: AN/NZ (acid number), density
Purity class according to ISO 4406, SAE 4059
Laboratory report as PDF file
Analysis of the measurement results
Pasūtījuma informācija
Other oil analysis sets for greases, heat transfer oils, flame-retardant oils, turbine oils, compressor oils, transformer oils, coolants, diesel fuel and residue analyses are available on request.
Piegādes apjoms
1 paraugu ņemšanas tvertne
1 paraugveidlapa
1 nosūtīšanas soma

Product variants

1 Result
Darba vides
Cena / Gab.
Hidrauliskie šķidrumi, kas bioloģiski sadalās 
dzeltens vāciņš 

Column selection

Darba vides