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K- 07 40 35 53

Pipe nipple 23
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Подробное описание продукта

K- 07 40 35 53

180 mm
R 1.1/4″ -11


  • Сталь ST 37-2 оцинкованная 
  • Горячее цинкование 
Рабочее давление
  • Max. 50 bar 
  • according to ISO 7-1 
Customs tariff number
  • 73071990 
Все свойства

Описание изделия

Прочие данные только по запросу.
The steel fittings are made of tubular steel in accordance with DIN 2441 and are characterised by high mechanical stress resistance. Hot-dip galvanized steel fittings are completely covered with a pure zinc layer and protected against rust. They are used in tubing construction, sanitary and gas installations as well as in a wide range of industrial applications, especially when connecting to the widely used malleable cast iron series.

Product variants

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Длина (mm)