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XS AK 534

Formas blīvgredzeni XS AK 534


Darba spiediens
  • 500 bar
  • Blīvgredzens 
Temp. diapazons
  • PU18: -30 °C līz +100 °C 
  • PU33: -40 °C līz +120 °C 
Muitas tarifa numurs
  • 39269097 

Produkta apraksts

O-ring grooves according to the ISO standard may be manufactured in a wide range of dimensions. For cross-sections of 3.53 mm, the groove depth according to ISO varies from 2.7 - 3.1 mm. For the best possible sealing in all dimensional ranges, this sealing ring was developed to replace conventional O-rings.
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Product variants

20 Results
Rādīt uzmērījumu zīmējumu
D (mm)
L (mm)
Cena / Gab.

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D (mm)
L (mm)
Šķērsgrizums (mm)